XSL Transformation Step

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This step applies an XSLT template on the input documents.

Takes: Raw document. Sends: Raw document.

The input documents must be well-formed XML documents. The step takes the XSLT template you have specified and apply it to the input document and creates an output that is passed as the raw document for the next step.


Path of the XSLT template to apply — Enter the full path of the XSLT template you want to apply on the input documents.

Parameters — Enter the list of any required parameters for this template. the format must be name=value with one parameter per line. For example:


You can use the following variables in the parameters values:

Variable Description Example
${inputPath} The full path of the first input document.
${inputURI} The URI of the first input document.
${outputPath} The full path of the first output document.
${inputPath1} The full path of the first input document (same as ${inputPath}).
${inputURI1} The URI of the first input document (same as ${inputURI}).
${outputPath1} The full path of the first output document. (same as ${outputPath}).
${srcLang} Code of the language part of the source locale identifier. For "de-ch" this returns "de".
${trgLang} Code of the language part of the target locale identifier. For "ja-jp" this returns "ja".
${inputPath2} The full path of the second input document.
${inputURI2} The URI of the second input document.
${inputPath3} The full path of the third input document.
${inputURI3} The URI of the third input document.

Default Parameters — Click this button to copy into the parameters list all the default parameters declared in the template.

Open Template — Click this button to open the XSLT template file currently specified.

Use custom transformer and XPath factory classes — Set this option to use an XSLT transformer implementation, and optionally an XPath engine, different than the ones your current Java settings gives. Enter the name of the factory classes in the text field. The class specified must be in your Java class-path. For example: net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl and net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFactoryImpl.

The default transformer and XPath classes used depends on the implementation and version of your Java Virtual Machine. See the documentation of TransformerFactory.newInstance() for more details on how the lookup for the classes is done.


None known.