How to Post-Process Extracted Text

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Using Rainbow

To post-process files that have been prepared using Rainbow's Translation Kit Creation utility (see "How to Extract Text for Translation") you need to have access to the package.

1. Start Rainbow.

2. Drop the manifest.rkm file that is in the package directory in the Input List 1.

3. Select Utilities > Translation Kit Post-Processing. This should open the Translation Kit Post-Processing pre-defined pipeline. In our example there is no option to specify. Just click Execute.

4. This will open the Translation Kit Manifest dialog box. If you have some error at this stage it is likely because the manifest.rkm file is corrupted, or because you are calling the utility with some input file that is not a manifest. A common mistake is to list the translated files you want to merge as the input files, instead of using the manifest as the input file.

5. If you want to post-process only specific files you can select which ones with the check-boxes in the list of files.

6. Click Execute.

Once the process is done, you should have a directory called done in the package directory (same level as the work directory). This folder contains all the post-processed files in their original formats.

Using Tikal

To post-process files that have been extracted with Tikal (-x command):

1. Start a DOS prompt or a shell console from where you can run Tikal.


  • The translated file to merge is named myFile.html.xlf.
  • The source is English and the translation is Japanese.
  • The original file is in the same directory as the translated file.

Execute the command-line:

tikal -m myFile.html.xlf -sl en -tl ja -oe UTF-8

A file myFile.out.xml is created. It contains the translated text and is in UTF-8.