Translate Toolkit TM Connector

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The Translate Toolkit TM is an engine that comes with the Translate Toolkit, a nicely designed and well supported set of open-source localization tools. You can run the tool called tmserver on your own machine, or use it through the Web. You can find more information about the Translate Toolkit here: and the help for tmserver is here:

Note that the Translate Toolkit TM takes PO files as input. You can create such PO file from TMX or other formats using Tikal's Convert to PO Format command, or the Format Conversion Step in Rainbow.

You can also extract any document in a format supported by one of the Okapi filters to PO file and later merge the PO file back into its original format using the Rainbow Translation Kit Creation Step and the Rainbow Translation Kit Merging Step.


The Amagama TM server is accessible using this connector. It parameters are:

This is a publicly accessible server that contains the translations of various open-source software.

Note that the parameters host and port have been deprecated in M25. The server is no longer in service.


URL — Enter the full URL of the server the TM service is located, for example localhost:8080.

Inline codes are letter-coded — Set this option where you want to treat letter-coded patterns in the entries from the TM as inline codes. For example, if your TM has entries with patterns such as <g1>, </g1> and <x1/>. The Translate Toolkit TM engine has no defined support for inline codes, but the connector can transform letter-coded patterns in inline codes if needed.

Host — Deprecated. Enter the host where the server is located, for example localhost.

Port — Deprecated. Enter the port number to use, for example 8080.


  • The Translate Toolkit TM does not support inline codes. For example: in the string "The text is <b>bold</b>", the tags "<b>" and "</b>" are treated as text.
    Use the option Inline codes are letter-coded to work around the limitation. Using patterns on letter-coded generic markers is more efficient than patterns on the original codes, as it allows support for complex inline codes that cannot be dealt with otherwise.